"The Grinberg Method helps to connect body and mind, to understand that those two things are and
will always be connected.
Thanks to Juliette's guidance, I think of my body more as a map now and it is easier for me to connect
a certain physical tension to an emotion.
The two things unravel parallel."
Amalie, Scriptwriter
"Working with Juliette and the Grinberg Method has been so good.
I have been seeing therapists over the years and doing
a lot of talking about the anxiety problems I have been struggling with, but in the end, I realized that I had to integrate my body to go even deeper and connect my head with my body.
Juliette has made me aware of areas in my body where
I have been blocked, and we have worked on releasing the tension and energy that has been stuck. This has made me a lot calmer, and much more sure of myself.
I have an easier time working and focusing without feeling cluttered in my head - and when I start to feel that, I breathe deep into my stomach and release the tension.
I am so grateful for the work she is doing, and I think everyone could benefit so much from this method -
it’s so good for taking us out of our heads
and into our bodies."
Anne, Illustrator
"The work with Juliette and this method greatly helped me to soften blocked and difficult emotions and makes me feel more present and at home in myself. It also gave me tools to have an easier time in
handling my tinnitus."
Niels, Director and Storyboard Artist
"I found a treatment that helps me take care of my body. Different from the other treatments I tried, this one doesn't promise me the end of my problems but it gets me to understand how I function, meaning, I have the chance to correct my habits and in the long run hopefully get better as well.
Plus it is extremely pleasant."
Martina, Producer and Film maker
" After only a couple of sessions, I could already feel so many changes not only in my body but also in my relationship with it. I felt that I have let go of a lot of resistance, and defense I had towards showing and working with my body. Today I have a better understanding of "where" some of my emotions and stress tend to show in my body and how to release them."
Serena, Storyboard Artist
"I became interested in the Grinberg Method after reading articles and testimonials as I was looking for techniques to manage my anxieties. I am aware that
we all live with fears and that these fears can cause us certain stress. As for me, who approaches 80 years old and knows these problems well, I decided to do something about these anxieties by trying this method.
All I can say: Great!
From the first session with Juliette, who manages to put you at ease from the very beginning,
I felt an apparent change in my body and was able to regain a certain inner peace.
In each session, I learn a little more to relax and I want to continue this learning.
There are many themes in our lives for which Juliette can help us.
One thing is now certain for me: when I am my body,
I stop only living life from my mind. "
Inge, Retired
"Thanks to Juliette I learned to initiate a soft and friendly dialogue between each part of my being, a reconnection between my body and my mind, and deep learning that the experience of my life is in my hands.
5 videoconference sessions with her made me open my eyes to a lot of things: ineffective body reflexes, buried desires, silent blockages, and above all a lot of lost energy. It is greatly the time to learn to listen to yourself in order to better listen to others.
Thank you Juliette for your support and your kindness!
And as a little extra: her sessions also make you want to dance!"
Luna, Producer
"Sometimes we already know mentally and rationally, what would be helpful to change, but there is unconsciously a blocking. This blocking or resistance is not always easy to put into words directly. To activate the full network (especially the body sensation) while experiencing a situation with dysfunctional patterns of behavior helps to let your body express something hidden, for example, fears. By feeling it in the body, it starts to be real and by making it real, a process of integrating, deeper understanding, and also healing in some way can start.
Juliette created and hold a safe space for this amazing experience. Step by step I was feeling more and more trust in this process. There was never pushing or forcing. I could feel the deep trust of Juliette as a practitioner in every moment, which was encouraging me in such a beautiful way. This trustful therapeutical relationship was also an important aspect of this journey."
Maria, Teacher
"The process I followed together with Juliette could be described as a surrender.
After a long wave of worsening, my health situation is now cooling off or calming down, while I am getting more clarity.
Inside this development lots of smaller periods of shifting body weather, healing winds, energy back and
forth whirled with fear and pain happened.
The symptoms of what I came with intensified and decreased again, back and forth, while slowly getting to the better side of it, and to the point of disappearing for some of them.
I am better at being present with pain. I have more trust in my body.
I also have gained much more respect
for the body’s need for processing. I feel calmer, generally. I am even starting to experience ecstatic and joyful feelings too, just coming “by themselves”.
I learned that I CAN affect my well-being by practicing body attention. That the body is SO alive, and that by being attentive and using my breath, my energy can transform. I have gotten more patience with my body.
I feel happy that I seem to recover. I feel hope for the future even though it is still unknown, I also feel like coming back to a sensation of life."
Helle, Singer, Vocal coach, Wilderness guide
" Throughout the sessions, I learned to start breathing again and to stop holding myself so stiff, which I learned, totally affected my ideas, thinking, and ability to be clear. I learned to pay attention to my body and checked in with it more often.
It was so helpful that someone could point out what was changing in my body, like the tensions
I hold in some situations because I couldn't notice it myself in the beginning. Physical touch has been a great support for that! Also to teach me to breathe through my whole body, and even in the more “challenging/painful” spots.
Thank you Juliette for your patience and for making me feel so comfortable."
Pauline, Team Coordinator